Tuesday, February 12, 2008

journel entry 1-23-08 Promising days

i went to see my neighbor sandy yesterday. in the beginning of the visit was great. but her husband has issues, the energy of the visit turned turned negative towards of the visit. robert bolted on me with the baby, speaking of negative energy it makes me feel sick inside when i am around neagative. i just wanted to vomit. i will miss amanda is all i will say about that.
i miss sandy, i think it was a while ago since our last visit. at least one week before my new psychiatrist appointment.

the Blue lady came to visit with me yesterday. the energy was very enlightening. and lasted a while. i feel like i am at the beginning of a new path as i was 10 years ago. She mentioned about the mayans and to look into the mayan calendar. i needed to take a look at the mayan prophecies. so, read up on them.. i would love to go mexico. those mayans, aztecs lost there old ways to christianity too. but if you would have seen all those people get sacrificed, you would probably would have impose christianity on them too. the spainards thought the aztecs were demon possessed. but the information was very eye opening . the mayan calendar ends at 12-22-2012 ad. the mayans predicted the end of time. who knows? but maybe a time of enlightenmemt.

i am pretty open minded about such things. maybe that's why i have been hearing so much schizophrenic chatter. i do know i have been picking up on more and more energy currents.

winter is a gloomy time of year. living up north is an experience. robert went back to work today he is doing 60 hrs this week. that's hard especially on the baby. i'll try to focus on reading about the mayan prophecies. it is difficult to focus sometimes.

i have noticed i have been getting little ticks or tremors in my body, maybe from the seroquel. it's all probably in my head.

another one of my schizophrenic visuals and audio has showed himself. i call him the WIND. he comes in the form of circled light. sometimes in shadows. the WInd just started saying my name, he sounds like a cobra if a cobra could speak. i have been seeing him more and more over the last couple of days. i think he has something to do with energy manifesting itself.

i need to close for now,

in her, i know i'm one

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