Tuesday, February 12, 2008


robert has been off of work for a couple of days. so, i havent gotten much alone time. but i have been very tired lately. i could just sleep

there is hardly no day
there is hardly no night.

i went out yesterday, me and the baby needed to leave the house. its been a week since we left the house. i just dont know why i isolate myself so much. it must be from the schizophrenia. maybe its seasonal for the deep winter months. my winter personality.

i have been interested in mexican history. i have kept reading the book the mayan prophecies. i am proud of myself. i will be planning a vacation to mexico city soon. to visit the temples and pyramids.

i need to meditate and focus. i will try to focus and do it. its almost the first of the month. what a wild ride this month has been for me. i am still feeling very strange on the seroquel. not being able to go out and shop is strange, i used to be so confident and feel safe.

the seroquel has been making me crave so much sugar. i ate to large boxes of cookies. and the evil, evil chocolate.

i am beginning to believe the blue lady is a spiritual guide. or still i am schizo

in her, i know, i'm one

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