Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'M Still THE ONe

the other day something incredible happened. my neighbor's niece came by to see a painting that a friend had painted for me for my birthday. it is a painting of Nefertiti herself. i would have to say it was one of the most special birthday presents i have ever received. i could tell my friend painted it for me with great love.

my neighbor's niece, come to find out has a special place in my heart. i never had laid eyes on her until that moment. i knew her sister, baby girl terri, and her mother, a beautiful light skin woman. i had heard over and over about MI MI. MI MI is the very same age has the baby Phoenix. I had spoke to Sandy for months about MI MI. and terri comes to see me at least once once a week. but there was a missing key. it was the ringing of my door bell and the special painting that brought the Angel to me. the Angel was MI MI's mama. the circle was complete.

From the Moment i laid eyes on the Angel, the Blue Lady whispers in my ear, Child she needs Guidance. and you and only you can give her the Peace she so desperately needs. if even for a moment....
What do I do? its has been so long? it has been over 3 years since i have spiritually guided anyone. the BLUE Lady replies. your energy has been with you since there has been stars in the Heavens. Child, this isnt about you, your journey is to help others with their spiritual selfs, whether it be any religion or belief, your guidance will lead many to a peace within themselves they did not know existed.

The Angel sits with me for what feels like spiritual bliss. i have explained to the Angel things that i spiritually guided her to, i simply can not remember, it was for her and her alone.

During the visit i felt the need to pull my classic Rider-Waite Tarot Deck. unbelievable but that gift hasnt left me either. i think the most amazing part of the session was using the ENCHANTED SPELL BOARD. it is very similiar to the ouija board but the spiritual connection was intense, i felt like i was channeling. Amazing.

I hope the Angel will return soon, she restored my confidence that i had lost so long ago.

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