Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time keeps on Ticking

it won't be long now, my first born son will be off fighting for this great nation we live in. somedays i am so proud i am bursting with energy, then some days i feel like i want to crawl under my bed and not come out for a day or two. my time with him is drawing to a close. time doesnt stop for me or him or anyone.
tomorrow the little Phoenix has Play therapy. he is doing better with his speech and communication. this type of therapy seems to help his autism. he has been making great strides with his play and learning to play with things the correct way. i was thinking today, that my other sons didnt seem as advanced at this stage as the Phoenix. even though he cant communicate well, he is still very aware of letters, shapes and colors. he has learned how to draw pretty good. he loves to draw circles. Phoenix will be starting school soon. he is almost three. what will i do without my son during the day. i was hoping on spending more time with him, but its time for school.

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